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Start a career in massage therapy that provides endless learning opportunities, rewarding life experiences and above all provide compassionate care for others.
The New Brunswick Massotherapy Association-Association de Massothérapie du Nouveau-Brunswick (NBMA-AMNB) has been incorporated as a non-profit organization since 1988. Active members in the NBMA-AMNB must be in good standing with the regulatory College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick (CMTNB).
The NBMA-AMNB provides information and education about massage therapy to the public and a free service in locating Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in communities across New Brunswick.
The NBMA-AMNB is a proven leader in the development and promotion of massage therapy as a valuable health service. Its leadership is evident at the National level in its role as a founding member of the Canadian Massage Therapy Alliance (CMTA).
At the provincial level, the NBMA-AMNB launched the efforts to protect the public with the passage of The Massage Therapy Act in 2013. This Act established the regulatory college. Also in 2013, the NBMA-AMNB was honoured to receive the distinction of the Lieutenant-Governor’s Dialogue Award. This award was presented to signify NBMA-AMNB as a role model for Associations who champion the principles of harmony and respect in our diverse communities and in the multiple settings in which our members provide care.
Employment Opportunities
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To be able to view this page you must be a NBMA-AMNB member. If you are interested in becoming a NBMA-AMNB member, or are interested in registered massage therapy. Please contact NBMA-AMNB for membership questions, and to learn about register massage you can begin here: Becoming a Massage Therapist
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